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Friday, April 13, 2012

Wireless connection - at last

For some time now I have been procrastinating about whether or not I need/needed a wireless connection or not - well I finally decided that I would go ahead and do it and I have :-).  Even my connection speed is faster and my printer has a wireless facility so I just need to purchase a new cable to hook that up.

Wonder why I procrastinated for so long.  I think it was the thought of having to part with more money.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I've been sewing

It is my great nieces birthday this month so I asked her mother what she would like.  Turns out she is right into owls and would love an Owl cushion.  Managed to get some material remnants and found a free pattern on the internet and away I went.  Was so pleased with the first one I made that I made another one for her.  Wish I could see the look on her face when she receives it

The are being posted unstuffed so my niece is going to stuff them when they arrive.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rugby World Cup

Phew it's been a long time coming but the All Blacks finally won the World Cup again, 24 years after they first won the inaugural one!

It was a real cliff hanger to watch as the AB's were starting to fall like dominoes with injuries.  Have to say the French really took it to us but thankfully we held on and made it.

This afternoon they are in Christchurch for a victory parade.  Times like this that I wish we lived closer but then again I don't think I would handle the crowds all that well these days

Sunday, October 9, 2011

More on Larry and Dolly

Well they have been in their own paddock for quite a few weeks now, running around, eating grass and happily accepting their morning and night drink of milk

They are going to wonder what hits them tonight as I will be moving them to a bigger paddock which has ewes and younger lambs and they will only be getting one bottle a day for the next couple of weeks!  I hope they enjoy being with the other young lambs and can't wait to see them all playing together.

Yes, it's true I am a softie but I also have to be realistic and their milk powder supply is getting really low so they must learn to fend for themselves sooner rather than later.

The other day they got outside of their perimeter fence and when I arrived to feed them they both went ballistic as they couldn't get themselves back in!  It must have looked and sounded like a real circus as I was busy trying to untie the temporary gate.  Dolly got herself to me but then when they were both separated you would have sworn I was trying to strangle them - what a noise and commotion! LOL  However all ended well and they were both reunited and fed.  Poor Larry couldn't finish his bottle as he was shaking so much from his frightening experience!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Larry and Dolly

Here they are enjoying the sunshine in their new pen up the back of the section

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Good to be alive day

Yes it really is a good to be alive day!  The sun is shining, no frost.  Was out feeding Larry the lamb in the sun this morning and the birds were all sitting in the Kowhai tree waiting for food.  The Kowhai tree is starting to burst into flower, my daffodils are all out in flower.  Dare I say that there is even a hint of Spring in the air!

Monday, July 25, 2011

More snow photos

Just went for a drive up the road and took these
It was snowing heavily as I took the bottom photo.