Blogger Templates

Friday, March 23, 2007

Blog revival

Well I used to have a blog but it kind of got left behind towards the end of last year!

A friend gave me a link to a site where they have blog prompts and I thought that was a good way of getting started again :-)

Did you, or did you not, eat your vegetables as a youngster? What sorts of veggies will and won't you eat nowadays? Home garden grown, organic only, or anything goes?

Hmm well I have to be very honest and say that I was a terrible vegetable eater. My poor Mum must have pulled her hair out trying to make me eat them. I can remember that she used to mash cauliflower into the potatoes to disguise it! On the other hand, when I went to school in the UK we had what was called 'School Dinner'. These were paid for by the week and they would arrive at the in a van all cooked and ready to be served up. God knows where they were cooked but they certainly put me off eating a lot of food stuff. The vegetables would be soggy as and sometimes the dinners weren't very hot. Anyway, they really turned me off big time off boiled cabbage - I can't abide the smell of it now!

Today, I will eat or try almost any vegetable. I remember when I first went flatting and it was a case of eat it or starve! I just love stir fries where you can toss in heaps of vegies.

I'm not fussy how the vegetables are grown as long as they are fresh, so fresh from our own garden is a bonus


Lara said...

yum veggies :-) I've never loved meat so thankfully veggies are it!

Jenny said...

Yuk to boiled cabbage. I once watched some boil spinach to beyond it's natural life too