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Sunday, August 5, 2007

It has been a week of..............

recovering - from Jock's 60th birthday party! His birthday was on the 27th and we had the party on the 28th. The venue was the boat shed which Jock had closed in to keep us all nice and warm. It was a 3pm kick off and seeing as the sun was shining we were able to sit/stand outside for a while until the sun went down.

There was a ton of food for everyone as you might see from all the plates on the table!

Sometimes, when Jock has had a few drinks he likes to pretend he is a member of the Shadows and this has previously been carried out by using a round cast iron fry pan! I thought it was time to update him to modern technology - so here he is for all the world to see - the new member of the Shadows!

So, a good time was had by all, except 2 people forgot to go to bed and I wasn't one of them so who was it? I think this photo sums it all up - 11a.m. the following day - I think it's time you called it a day Jock!


Jenny said...

Lol Irene - it looks like such a fabulous day!

Al said...

Hi Irene, I have just been looking through some of your diary entries and I feel as though I have got to know you all over again.
Can you believe that it is 31 years since we met at Royal Insurance? I have often wondered where all the time has gone, then my adult "children" remind me of all the grey hairs I have tried to hide.

Kirstie is in the UK at the moment, she has been away for over two years with only a 6 week visit home, Steve lives in the city with some friends, he is 25 and quite the young man - he has a lovely girl friend, I am hopeful that she will be my daughter-in-law one day. I can't wait to be a granny - I get a taste of it every week as my home help lass brings her 4 year old and her 6 month old baby - I love it - especially the bit about handing them back!

I am still off work with my stupid hip and at this stage a return to work is looking very unlikely, at least I am still being paid - for the time being, that won't go on forever though. I thought you would be delighted to know that I have taken up Scrap Booking as a way to relieve the tedious and boring nature of being home every day. I am getting better but still very much a novice. When I get some confidence, I will send you a page I have done. I am working on an album from when we put a swimming pool in - have to tell you, that if I had known just how much mess it would make, I don't think I would have been so agreeable to doing it. I have made my story - one of destruction and recovery.
"talk" to you soon.