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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Another month gone

Yep here we are on the 2nd day of March already. Dare I say it but where have the last two months gone?

I have finally settled down to make some cards but as yet no scrapbooking. So, dear brother if you are reading this, have you remembered you were going to send me some photographs of a certain little girl?

Around here on the beach, we get stones, little rocks that have holes right through them. Over the Christmas period I started to collect some of them and threaded them onto fishing line to form a hanging sculpture. Can't say that the idea was mine as they are everywhere but it was good fun putting them all together. Now waiting to see how high winds will affect it as I don't want holes in the exterior walls of the house!

Weather has still been humid (for here) and warm but yesterday we had rain all day and just had a shower today. The other week we had 100mls rain in one day and that certainly helped everything to grow rapidly, including the weeds! Can't belive how green everywhere is looking now.

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