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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Is life really so boring?

I just don't seem to have anything to report for the past month. It has been a case of tighten the belt, think 3 times before taking the car out and when I do go out, cram as much as I can into the outing - quite stressful really, but hey, that's life!

I have been doing a wee bit of scrapping and putting together a couple of baby photo albums to send out to the mothers of the babies. That reminds me, I must take photos so that I can refer to them if I do another one.

Well that's it from me on this wet and dismal Saturday

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You know I also think before I take my gas guzzler out too. If I can do it all in one trip then that suits me. And is the gas bill going to go up this term! And well done on planting veges - I can't be bothered with the effort it takes to maintain them