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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The tap has been turned off - for now anyway

Meaning, it has finally stopped raining! From Sunday evening to 12.15p.m. Tuesday 26/8 we had 165ml of rain and then another 10ml on top of that. There are slips everywhere on the road out to the main highway and yesterday we were isolated completely. All clear to get through now though, thank goodness. I have never seen rain like it before.

This latest rainfall also flooded the Motunau River for the second time.

The first deluge of rain fell at the end of July and we thought that was pretty huge at 110ml. This gave a much needed flood to the River as prior to that you couldn't launch a boat at the boat ramp but had to have a tractor or 4 wheel drive to launch near the river mouth.

Before these rainfalls you at least knew the river layout but now it is an unknown factor until everything settles down.

It seems that North Canterbury has been badly hit both times, causing road closures north of here with huge slips on the main highway, no trains running because of slips. This must affect people of all walks of life.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

It was quite a lot of rain and I watched on the TV as they interviewed various people