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Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Pumpkin Bag is revealed

When Kirsten, my niece, asked if I would make her a pumpkin bag I have to admit I was scratching my head as to what on earth she was talking about! Several searches on the internet and I still didn't have a clue. Fortunately, Kirsten managed to get hold of a pattern and sent it via email. Trouble is it still didn't sense as I had no idea what it was meant to look like. Fortunately, her partners mother had come across one in an op shop so she was able to photograph it for me! Aha, now it all makes sense.

Voila, here is the pumpkin bag that I have made for her. She is going to use it as her son's nappy change bag (or something like that)! It was very easy to make and I enjoyed making something so useful as I haven't done any sewing for a long, long time.

It really is quite roomy inside. The white patches are velcro so the sides aren't so open


Jenny said...

That's cool, Irene

Unknown said...

So that is what a pumpkin bag looks like. That's really cool.