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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dam and Blast it

Should have posted this on Monday but I was still trying to find my old glasses as my little witch of a dog has mangled my 8 month old glasses! I was playing with her when my glasses fell of and she whipped off with them and hid under the bed! Finally retrieved them with one lense out and chipped and the frames bent and twisted.

I rang the insurance company and fortunately they are coming to the party (thank goodness for insurance).

Went to the opticians on Wednesday (yesterday) but they can't replace the same frames and no other frames that would take my one salvaged lense. End result is total replacement with me paying $100 excess. So a good result for the frames but pooh at the $100 excess as I need all the money I can get my hands on for a weekend away at Queens Birthday

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh no! She's a naughty dog